Toe Deformities
Many disorders can affect the joints of the toes, causing pain, deformity and preventing the foot from functioning as it should. Types Of...

Fungal Toenails
Understanding Fungal Toenails And How To Treat Them Effectively. Fungal toenail or onychomycosis is an infection affecting the nail plate...

What are Bunions? Have you ever notice a bump or bony lump on the side of your foot at the base of the big toe? A bunion is a bone...

Ingrown Toenail
An ingrown toenail is a common nail condition seen by the podiatrist. An ingrown toenail occurs when the skin on one or both sides of a...

Heel Pain
Understanding the Cause of Heel Pain and Do’s & Don’t of self-treatment. Have you ever wonder why you are experiencing heel pain? Do you...

4 Common Categories of Sports Injuries in Children
Do you know that sports injuries are the second leading reason for children and adolescents to attend hospital emergency departments? The...